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Some stuff about me

General stuff

I'm 46 years old. Born and raised in the small town of Munkedal in the south-west part of Sweden. I now live in anoher small town called Ytterby which lies close to Gothenburg with my lovely (I had to write that ;) wife and two lovely daughters.

Education and work

I've a MSc in Engineering Physics from Chalmers University of Technologoy and work as an software architect at WirelessCar.

I've also taken courses at several other universities in Sweden, e.g. University of Gothenburg and the University of Stockholm. The courses have been mainly computer related ones, but I've also studied astronomy, economics and mathematics.


I like working on some small hobby projects on my spare time. See the project page for more info about those. My favourite languages are Python, Go and Java, but I've also programmed in C, C++, Ruby, Groovy and some other languages.

Other interests

I read a lot of books. Appart from computer related books, I also like fantasy and science fiction. Lately I've started to read biographies of people I find interesting, mainly swedish and foreign politicians.

I try to get out running at least once a week, which is a thing I enjoy very much. At least afterwards ;)

As both my daughters are into both football and handball, the weekends tend to be rather filled with practices and matches. I like watching those. At least when it's not raining ;)